
Really.. I'm Fine

In our daily lives, we hear a lot of “How are you?” question, but we are not aware of how many people really mean to ask it. It could be a start of a conversation. People most often time reply “I’m fine,” and ask back.

“I am fine” is a very basic and typical answer. Why do we limit to just that answer anyway? Today, I got asked by a stranger how I am doing, and I said I am great. It got me to think that after answering like that, I really feel great. To me, I feel that “I am fine” is getting old, and thus, whether I say it or not does not really matter much. Sometimes, I even wonder if I am really doing fine after I answer the question.

We can always elaborate more about how we are doing. Say what you want to say. If you are not feeling fine, then say it. It will not sound like a complaint. In fact, this will get conversation going on, and they will ask why, and you will say because blah blah and so on. To people who just go by pass you though, you would rather save that “I’m not fine,” because you guys don’t have time to stop and talk more like friends. But you will never know. Again, say what you want to say.

But the point is changing the way you respond to typical daily questions can have an impact on yourself. You start to pay attention to what the question is really about, and it gets you to notice about how you are really doing or what you are really thinking about. Mean it when you say it - Really, I'm fine.

Go and experience this yourself, it would be fun.

9:30 PM | Posted by Pheng | with 3 comments »


  1. Anonymous // June 10, 2008 at 2:31 PM  

    OhOh! Pheng,

    Now I'm the first visitor, 我坐了沙發!

    But, honestly I do feel some licking here. Don't you think so?

    You did it well! Cheers!

  2. Pheng // June 10, 2008 at 3:51 PM  

    Hehe.. you're fast. Grab a seat and have some tea :)

  3. Anonymous // June 10, 2008 at 10:09 PM  

    should be: leakage 乍泄
