1. How do I get updates from this blog so that whenever there’s a new post, I will be notified by email?
There are three ways to subscribe to Live Life to the Fullest blog:
· Subscription via email – Underneath the post, there’s a link that allows you to subscribe. You can also type in your email address in the subscribe form on the right hand column. If there are any updates, you will be notified on your email between the delivery time, which is 11am and 1pm Mountain Time. http://www.feedburner.com/fb/a/emailverifySubmit?feedId=2091171&loc=en_US
· Subscription via reader – If you have favorite reader(s) that you usually use, you can also do that by going to the Subscribe Feed Reader section on the right hand column and select your favorite reader. http://feeds.feedburner.com/livelife2defullest
2. How do I search for a specific keyword that I saw on the post(s)?
So, you read a post long time ago, and now you want to find it again but don’t know how? If you can remember a specific keyword, any words that you can think of, you can simply type in the search box on the top to the right that says “To search, type and hit enter.”
3. How do I search for a specific topic?
Each entry on the blog is posted with a specific category. If you scroll down, you’ll see a menu bar that says “Categories” on the right hand column, from there you can read every entry that falls under that category.
4. How do I leave a comment if I don’t have login information that Blogger asks for?
You can just go ahead and leave a comment as an Anonymous, but please make sure you put your name under your comment or wherever so that I know who was writing it. Each comment will have to go through my approval first before they get posted.
Hello world!
Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then
start writing!
3 years ago
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