Let’s face it, we are all human beings. Since birth till death, there are always times that we feel happy and sad. We cannot get rid of both good and bad emotional feeling. A school counselor used to say during an International Student’s orientation that, we all get bored, but boring is part of our lives. If life is happy all the time, then the life seems to be meaningless. I never forget her saying this, and in fact, I remind myself each time when I get bored. If I complain, then I fail to really understand her point.
Night is very quiet. It is also when we decide not to go out and spend time alone at home, or maybe don’t have any invitations to go. It’s good if you can find something to do, but if not, then serenity can possibly draw boredom close to you. Sometimes, boredom leads to loneliness.
To get rid of boredom is to find something to do. It sounds easy enough, but said is easier than done always. But that doesn’t mean finding something to do is not the right solution to getting bored. There are many techniques and solutions out there that vary from one person to another. For me, I like to keep things inside, or at least when I am not in a good mood, I prefer to stay alone and deal with it instead of going to hang out with friends and become all moody. The way I solved my boredom is to get out of my apartment and take a little cruise around town. When my boredom leads to loneliness, I still have to deal with it, and I keep telling myself that it’s just a temporary state of mind, the next morning I will still survive and feel much better. Thus, having something to look for tomorrow lessens my lonesome feeling at night.
Therefore, just remember that part of human being, those bad emotional feeling that we don’t want never end. Luckily they are just temporary state of mind, so are good emotional feeling. So remind yourself that they are just short-term and will go away when you stay positive to look for something that is going to happen next, you never know, you know.
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