In United States, it is not okay to ask how much a person earns. It is considered inappropriate to discuss about someone’s income. I personally don’t care much about telling other people how much I make, but sometimes I do feel a little bit uncomfortable sharing it. The more I become self-conscious, the more I don’t feel comfortable.

NOYB stands for None Of Your Business. It is hard for nosy people to understand NOYB. Does it really matter to know how much your friend or your family member makes a year? If you say yes, then keep reading on the questions. What is the ultimate goal that you want out of knowing that? Are you a comparing type of person? It makes you happy when you know that you make more than they do? What is it there that you are trying to get out of it?

Some people even get envious after knowing that they make less money than others. What good is that that does to you? Envy is not a healthy place to put yourself in. Be realistic to yourself, and try to avoid the sensitive questions that you ask others, especially when it really doesn’t do any good to you. To be blunt, mind your own business and do the best you can for yourself. Comparing yourself with others simply is just a waste of time. It is the difference that makes up this whole world. Everyone has his/her own story behind his/her own successes and even failures. I encourage you to be just happy the way you are. It is the gratitude that makes us feel good about ourselves and satisfied with what we are possessing.

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