I am honestly getting tired of listening to complains from some friends. I love to be there for them, and would do anything to help them. However, when it comes to motivation, I am still an outsider. That’s being said, if they are not willing to help themselves first, how am I going to be able to help them? I have been told all the time from friends about being fat and wanting to lose weight, but said without action is totally useless. I can be all ears when they complain about it, but after months and months, they still complain the same. I find that kind of irritating because every time I have to repeat to them about what to do in order to stay back in shape. Do they listen? Yes, they do and even nod their heads. But do they act on it? Apparently not!
I understand that each individual is very unique in his or her own way and image. I can’t force someone to be self-motivated like I am. I can’t tell someone to do what they don’t like to do. But complain is not really a healthy thing to live with. Years down the road, you might still see yourself complain again over the same things. If you wisely use those years to work on the problems that you complained about in the first place, you might see the change of the result by now. I encourage friends to work on things that make them feel good about themselves, but it is still up to them to make things work for themselves. This takes commitment and self-motivation, as well as the ambition to succeed.
Another factor is about giving up half way. This action is even worse than not started at all in the first place. Why? If you can ever imagine the efforts that you put in doing something, and suddenly you decide to quit and go back to the routine for convenience or whatever reason I can’t do it. It is that one minute’s misconception that makes you deny all the efforts that you have worked so hard. It requires a lot of time and steps to work on things that you think it needs work in the first place and along the way, but it takes only quick moment and single step to ruin everything. Of course, you can start over again and there’s nothing wrong with that, but if you stay determined, your goal might be attained by now.
I am not a very spiritual person, but one of my favorite quotes is “Help yourself and God will help you.”
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3 years ago
Don't have much to add except to say I'm in agreement with you. Just like the quote for the day above your blog said (After all is said and done, more is said than done...Aesop)...this is I think is one of the biggest problems with the human condition. We often say a lot of things, but seldom put into action those words. The truth is we have no one to blame for anything but our self. Complaining all the time about life is like spinning your wheels in place, going no where fast. So, I say don't hesitate...plan for change in your life, and make it happen!! Then real growth will take place! Lan T. :0)
Lan, that's a very nice comment and insightful. The quote indeed reflects this post.