For today's Q&A, I think the below question is a very good question.

What’s holding me back from opening my heart?
  • Most often I feel that I am too independent. I have been living alone for a long time and finally it is "numb" for me to even realize how to live with another person.
  • I enjoy my own space and time.
  • I prefer doing things the way I want to and not listen to anyone trying to tell me what to do, unless I ask for. Look, I dyed my hair, haha... it was supposed to be dark blonde, but that color + black = red somewhat, hehe... and that's just the way I am. Do whatever I want to do. 
  • For the most part, I think that I am afraid of getting hurt.
However, for all the saying, I am also learning to accept these characteristics, embrace them and never cease to improve or make a change. I sometime find myself opening my heart to things and people around, and it's a great feeling. It's all part of my life experiences. But something to learn is that sometimes "too" is never a good thing. So what's holding you back from opening your heart? 

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10:56 PM | Posted by Pheng | with 0 comments »