The Little Guide to Happiness: How to Smile Again - Over analyze a thing because we think it is more difficult than it is. - Five main misconceptions: o Hoping – hoping to be happy does not happy make. o Making a lot of money. o Other people – relying on another person to make you happy will not make you happy. o Attaining goals – a lot of people tell themselves, “If I only have this, then I would be happy.” They get it, and then they cannot figure out why they are still unhappy. o Positive thinking – without positive believing, you are doomed. - Cut out negative thoughts – focus on positive rather than negative. - Mind is a search engine - if you ask it a negative question, it will find negative answers for you. - Hatred and revenge is also horrible path to unhappiness – all the while as you try to make that person miserable, you are making yourself even worse. - People, who hold grudges and cannot forgive, cannot be happy. - Don’t just forgive others, but forgive yourself. Be easy on yourself. - Stay away from negative people who do not care to help themselves. - Antidepressants can help if only you have chemical imbalanced problem. - Exercises make you feel better. In the long run you will add years to your life, and they will be happy ones. - It is not the environment, but it is how you react to it. - Don’t be crappy, be happy. - Never give up. Once you stop trying, you can never know happiness - Stop what iffing. Iffing what iffing this or what iffing that is bad. - Stop worrying about what others think about you. Rather, start concentrating on what you think about them. Don’t over analyze things. Take life at face value. - Be grateful. - Get passion. - “If you think it is, then it is.” - Stop blaming others for our feelings. “You make me angry, make me unhappy.” - Do something for goodness sake. Don’t just do nothing. - Don’t complain or look for sympathy. - Make things fun: ask the mind how can I make my 10 hours shift fun today? - Successful person learns the lesson from the past, unsuccessful person still dwells on all the wrongs done to them. - Stop judging – you only focus the worst. Avoid stereotype, and give people a chance. - Don’t do anything in private that you would be ashamed to do in public. If you don’t respect, admire, or like yourself, then nobody else will. - Live with a high ethical standard. Guilt is a kill of joy. - Be good to yourself. Be your best friend. - It feels good to help others. - What you put out you get back. - Get back up on the horse once your ass is less sore. Don’t wait. - Nothing is impossible. - Control your own mind. - Unreal expectations can lead to unhappiness. Don’t expect to be happy all the time. - Laughter is the best medicine. - Jealousy stinks. - When you start wanting, you are forcing your mind, your search engine, to think up all the things you don’t have. - Worry is a waste. When you start to focus on solutions, the worry starts to dwindle. Act on those solutions. - Recognize hidden negative blocks. Recognize when it happens, and train our minds to trash this false notion. - Live in the moment and present. Don’t dwell in the past or worry about the future. - Pray or talk to God if that helps. - Use visualization techniques. Picture a happy movie or moment in your head and see yourself as a happy person. - Sitting on your butt can become a real pain in the ass. Sitting on your butt rather than going outside and getting some sun makes you pasty white like a vampire in a horror movie. Sitting on your butt rather than getting a job makes you unemployed and poor. Sitting on your butt rather than going out and socializing makes you lonely. Sitting on your butt rather than exercising makes you out of shape. Sitting on your butt only makes you ponder what should be, what could be, and what isn’t. And all those things make you sad. Get up and do something – anything! - Procrastination = stagnation = decay. - Even if the downside of what you risk happens, it’s still better than the monotony of a lifetime of doing nothing and living in fear. - Happiness is a journey not a destination. It’s not getting there that makes you happy; it’s taking the time to smell the roses on the way. - Lose your stubbornness and be willing to take advice and constructive criticism from others. Be honest with yourself. Don’t be Mr. Know-it-all.
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