I cam across a way of how to create a favorite icon and add that icon to the website/blog when the visitor adds the site/blog to their favorites. Here we go:
  1. Create a favorite icon - go to this site http://tools.dynamicdrive.com/favicon/
  2. Now add this piece of code to between the header tag of your site/blog. The header looks like this {header}.......{/header}

    {link rel="shortcut icon" href="http://myfavicon.com/favicon.ico" /}
    {link rel="icon" href="http://myfavicon.com/favicon.ico" /}

    Where the http://myfavicon.com/favicon.ico is the location where you hosted that favorite icon at, and don't forget to replace the { } sign with < > sign. Blogger restricts me from using the <> sign.

And that's it! Remember, self-expression is a way to show every body who you really are. I hope you enjoy this tip, and don't forget to add my blog to your favorite, that way you will see what my blog's fav. icon is *wink*

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7:23 PM | Posted by Pheng | with 0 comments »