Everybody is going through different stressful moment, and you cannot really expect one to feel alright in a few days. Everyone is different. It might work for you in a short time period, but that does not mean it might work the same way for others. In our daily life, we often fail to think that way. Things become so personal that we forget to acknowledge the differences between people. We like to help, give suggestions, and even give advices, but we cannot really relate to one’s pain and stress. We think we do, but in fact we don’t. On the other hand, being a listener is good, but when time permits, then we can try to offer a few ideas or options. I am not asking you to be a “yes man,” but at the same time, just try to understand what a person or your friend has been through. Talk in a way that seems understanding rather than aggressively just to force him or her think the way you do. It will never happen that way. Sometimes, your good intention can become a bad one depending upon what that person was thinking. It is just how he or she is, you cannot really change that unless he or she is willing to change first. In brief, everyone has a down moment, but never ever try to use your own coping techniques or ideas to inject in your friend’s head and expect that the result will be the same. I have learned that we cannot really relate to a friend’s agony and down time, but all we can do is to be there for each other. Time can heal better than thousand words.
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3 years ago
tummy coming hahaha, but nice chest~
chest getting better~