Yesterday, I went to an event that I could catch up with a few folks that I used to hang out with. There was one comment about Chuck Norris. One of the annoying one asked me if I know who Chuck Norris is, and I shook my head. All the sudden, a few people surprised and questioned me “You don’t know who Chuck Norris is?” The tone seemed to be in a mocking way of my ignorance ;)

But seriously, if that’s the case, why would even bother to ask me if I know Chuck Norris or not? I think that the questions are good, but if a questioner expects to mock at the response person’s answer, why would you bother to ask in the first place? Sometimes, I am just offended by the fact that people ask you questions, and then they are surprised about how much you don’t know. Regardless it’s famous or not, it never means that everyone knows the same thing or has the same interests in the subject. I watch movies, but I don’t care much about the real cast’s names.

There were also times that some Americans ask me this and that about American actors or actresses, or even singers, and I had no clue about because I was not born here and I never have an ultimate interest in Hollywood stuff. What I know and heard of is what I know and heard of, period. Why in the world ask me the questions and judge me when my simple answer is “No, I don’t know.”

I feel that a good conversation is when you respect who you are making conversation with. It’s being said that respect your partner’s answers, no matter how much you know more or less than he/she. If you ask the question, expect an answer, not prepare to mock at the response. After all, you are not Mr. Know-It-All either. 

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8:44 AM | Posted by Pheng | with 0 comments »