
Time ...

You know you never stay mad at your friends very long. You also know that you want to stop fooling around with your so called friend with benefit, but you tend to do it again. At the moment you decide to do this, but later on you change your mind. This is all about space of time.

I strongly believe that time can heal one’s wound. Time can allow one to sleep over things. Time provides two lovers space to think about where things stand. Time makes one changes his/her mind. Time is money. Time …… well, has a significant influence on everyone in daily life.

There’s moment that we feel down with despair and depression. There’s also moment that we feel upset with anger and frustration. At that moment, we feel helpless and angry, but as we give it some time, we discover that in fact time makes us forget all that moment. If you are unhappy or mad at someone now, you might feel like the end of the world and don’t want to talk to that person anymore, but as time goes, those emotions automatically fade away themselves. Therefore, start giving things some time, whether it is emotion related or decision related, or friendship and relationship related, etc. Whatever happens now can change according to the time.

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12:24 AM | Posted by Pheng | , , with 0 comments »