

Sometimes, whenever we break up with our lovers, we think that it is the other person’s fault, and sometimes, we think that it’s our faults. There’s also a situation that when someone quit seeing us, we think that it’s either that someone’s fault or our faults. Personally, I think that by focusing on too much about whose fault it is, is simply a waste of time. Some people find that by blaming others makes him or her feel much better about the situation, and low self-esteem people would just blame on themselves for anything that goes wrong.

For the past week, I have been contemplating about how a person is treated in either good or bad way. No matter what prompted the other person to lie to the other person, or to sweet talk to just get whatever he or she wants out of the other person, it is life and it is how some human being is. But it happens and everyone goes through that. It’s part of the growing and learning experiences. However, by resenting what already happened because of the other person’s behavior is like you are murdering no one but yourself. In the past week, I was thankful for being hurt by that person. I would rather admit that I was hurt rather than I was resentful for the fact that I was lied to, though anger is more than resentment. But thanks to time, I was able to be healed quickly. After being healed, if I did not self-reflect about what happened, I would be the dumbest person ever in this world. Why would I say that? Because without being lied to, I would not be able to know much better about myself and pursue what I always look for in life. Consequently, I am no longer bitter, but better. The most precious thing that came out of it was that I re-arranged my life and reset my starting point in my journey in every aspect of life and relationship.

No one wants to hurt you emotionally, but you want to be hurt by someone. Without your permission, no one can really hurt you unless you always think that you are the victim of the world. Get yourself out of that abyss!  It’s not a healthy place to be in. I start to believe that things happen for a reason. We should start embracing the bad things that happened and acknowledge them as bad, just simply face them. Once again, learn from them! This applies the same to a bad person that hurt us. Try to look at him or her as a way to motivate you to think and grow to become a better and stronger person. He or she showed up in your life for a reason. It is sad enough to drag yourself in resentment and blaming him or her, but it’s sadder when you don’t self-reflect to see what, how, and why it happened that way. 

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