

Sometimes, I like to complain about my physique. I realize that it’s never good enough for me. I hit gym and try to eat healthy food, yet I feel that it’s still not ideal. Someone used to say that perfectionism is awful. It’s always a good idea to leave room for improvements. On Thanksgiving Day, I did say that I am thankful for my physique. So although words from my mouth specify that I am not satisfied with my body, I am actually already thankful for it. All the persistence, commitment, and effort that I put into gym, it’s well worth it. The gist of it is that it’s not an ideal image that I want yet, but I never cease to improve it, especially the belly part. *giggling*

In life, how many times you look in the mirror and you said to yourself, hey, I am not that bad after all? How many times have you ever thought of making love to yourself? But in front of others, you are either too negative or too humble to always think that you don’t look good enough. From a self-conscious stand point, we are exaggerating things. In brief, we are too hard on ourselves. I am sure that although we tell people that we don’t like our looks, but deep inside of us we know that we actually do and just have a hard time to be a cocky person ;) Lastly, I want to say that it’s the only look that you have and at the end of every day, you are the only one that you have, so start loving yourself from the inside out. 

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