One thing I have learned is that, in life there will always be someone and something that will try to let you down. They can create resentment and anger, as well as distress inside you. The moment that you have those feelings, you become upset, annoyed, and even depressed. But in the mean time, I have also learned one thing in this life that when you are too sensitive and take offense too easy, the most ultimate person that you are going to hurt is yourself. Whatever that someone or something does to you, there’s nothing you can do about it. I will tell you what you can do about it later, but firstly, you are always responsible for your own actions, mistakes and learn from them.

Now, what you can do about it is very simple, learn, my friend. If a person is annoying you, try to limit your interactions with him or her next time. If a person hurts you, forgive him but at the same time don’t make the same mistake by letting him or her hurt you again. If a person’s personality is not what you expect, quit expecting because you cannot change someone, but rather next time cautiously to find someone that is more compatible. If something bothers your mind, acknowledge it and think what you can do about it by implementing your problem solving skill or past experiences. There are many things that another person does that you really should not take them too personal. The more you find it offensive, the worse you become resentful.

Get yourself out of that abyss! By all means, look at each person as individual. Everyone is trying their best to live their life and they live according to the way they see things to the best of their own knowledge or even how they were raised. Things do happen and most of the time, they happen for a reason. Take control of your emotion, and try not to take things too person when in fact they are not really that personal. Being too sensitive will get you no where. 

P.S: I apologize if the posted image causes any rudeness about the N word. 

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