
Face Value

Have you ever looked at people as human being rather than skin color? Have you ever connected to people at their face value without any mind-reading and pre-judgment?

Stereotyping is floating around in this world. If you are Asian, that means you eat rice, good at Math and save every penny you can. If you are Caucasian, you are hairy, fat, eat junk food and very open to sexual subjects. If you are black, you have bad smell and lazy, and if you are Latino, you can be a gangster. These are just examples. We all know that this is just another stereotype issue in every society. Deep down inside of us, we realize that every country, nation and culture, these types of people do exist. More or less, they are the same, and that’s what the term “human” refers to. We all are human, period.

However, when we become a mind-reading and pre-judgmental freak, we often time tend to look at people NOT as human, but rather generalize one particular behavior, interest, skin color into one particular group in a mocking way or often time bad way. We fail to realize that each person is different. Of course some actions could be very obvious that everyone knows from personal experiences, but those still do not give us enough information or right to judge and generalize others based on their looks or race.

Your life is in your own hand. Your life so far is what you have created. Fill in this blank ______ with your name, and say that it is ______’s life. For instance, my life, it is Pheng’s life. No matter what ethnicity you have, or how rich you are, it is your own life and it requires your own responsibility. Acknowledge yourself that and eventually show the rest of the people that it is ______’s life, it is not a life style’s life, not a heterosexual’s or homosexual’s life, not a particular religion’s life, not a particular ethnicity’s life, not a particular gender’s life, not a pop star’s or rock star’s life, not a foreigner’s life, not an international or domestic student’s life, not a single or married person’s life, so on and so forth. It is your life and you determine what life you want it to be. While you are doing and thinking this way, you have to also treat other people the same way. Interact with other people at their face value. This is the only way to attract those open-minded people in your life as well. Screw the stereotype and judgment! As long as you treat yourself as a human rather than what you possess and treat other human the same, then give yourself a kudo! Remember, what goes around, comes around!

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12:49 PM | Posted by Pheng | , with 0 comments »